Saturday, July 31, 2010
Buster In A Basket

Friday, July 30, 2010
Breaking Old Habits
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Babette For Mim

I learned a very good lesson while making this blanket: weave in the ends as you go. It will save HOURS. I think if I hadn't done that I would have just made all the squares and then left it in a box somewhere and I would have forgotten it forever, but SMART ME, I thought ahead.
It's a rather small blanket, lap size, so I'm thinking I should expand it before I finish it and put the border on it. I would love that, because let me tell you, this project was addicting!
I think once I'm done working on my current project, or if at some point I need a break, I will go back to this.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Deck Party: Finale!

Next to it you can see the old deck, and if you look really closely you'll see that the railing on it is literally crumbling apart:
So, it's finished! We can have the inspector come and check it out now!
(We do eventually want to put fascia on the front sides of the stairs, but structurally, we're finished, so this isn't a priority)
In other news, I may have a heart attack from the amount of caffeine I have ingested so far this morning. Just a heads up.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
A Nyah Fix
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Text Time 7

Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
It's Almost Done!
The deck is almost finished! It's amusing that we expected to get it done in one or two weekends and it ended up being a few months... Either way all that's left is the railing on the stairs and the fascia on the front of each step (which we can't do yet because we ran out of fascia and need to go to Home Depot and order more) and it's looking so good, and I can't wait until it's a bit cooler so I can sit outside (it's completely under the sun all day-there's no shade on it after about 9:00 a.m.) and not roast.
Here's the beginning of the railing for the staircase:

We've got the posts up...they look crooked because they're not "railed" together yet:
The view from the center of the back yard (notice the siding and flood lights are back around the door):
And from the corner:
This has been a long project, but it looks great and is made of the good stuff, so it's nice and strong and durable and will raise the value of the house quite a bit. Plus now we have a place to put our grill.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It's Just Wednesday
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Our Pie Tradition
Road trips with Mim are always fun. She is one of the only people I have in my life that I can say anything to-absolutely anything-and I know she will take me seriously and never get offended. Sometimes I even tell her things I wouldn't tell Scott. So when we go on these trips, we talk and talk and talk. And when we're finished talking for a while, we're completely comfortable with each other, enough to sit in silence and just think to ourselves.
We always get junky food, but this time I planned on eating healthy instead, so I packed some sandwiches and carrot sticks and flavored waters in a cooler. The second we started driving, though, we decided FORGET THAT, we're just going to eat junk. The cool thing is that we've both been working on our eating habits, so even though we ate badly, we didn't eat as much as we normally do, and we made sure we had something healthy every day, like a giant salad at a truck stop (somehow truck stops always have the best salads. It's a mystery). So as soon as we started driving Friday afternoon we decided we wanted tacos, so we went to Del Taco and got a fiesta pack, and off we went!
We were cruising along, planning on getting to Sandpoint around 10:00 p.m., and then BOOM. Huge traffic jam:

It turns out a semi had crashed pretty badly-there were even news crews there. Whatever happened, we were sitting in 5 mph traffic for about an hour, so the driving time increased there.
We finally got out of it and started moving, and we drove and drove and we got to Pocatello. We had to "powder our noses" so we decided to stop, and we found a gas station. Mim started putting gas in the van and I went inside, and came straight back out because there wasn't a bathroom. Suck. So we went looking for another one, and we came across ISU, which is where Mim started going to school way back when. We went into the student union and used the bathrooms and then we decided to look around. We were going to go to the bookstore to get candy and an ISU shirt for Mim, and their bookstore was closed, so we were mad. We really wanted that candy. But we got over the disappointment, and walked around campus more. We found the physical sciences building:
Where we wandered around to see if we could find the math department. We didn't, but we did look at some of the chemistry labs and they were just so quaint compared to BYU's. We then left the building and as we crossed the street we ran into a man that Mim recognized as one of her math professors from 20 years ago! She remembered him, but he didn't remember her, which is understandable because he's had thousands of students over the years, but they had a nice little chat and then we went on our way (after adding another hour onto the trip).
We decided we still had a desperate need for candy, so we drove around until we found another gas station. We got our candy and then at the register we decided to buy a lottery ticket for a dollar just for fun (Utah doesn't have any lottery tickets for whatever weird reason):
and we didn't know how to use it so we messed it up:
and then we just scratched all of it off to see if we would have won anything if we had done it correctly and of course we wouldn't have won, so we just got five minutes of fun for a dollar and that was that.
We then drove around Pocatello for a little while and we found the old house we had lived in and it looked very different, and we found where I went to kindergarten:
Pretty cool!
Then we went on our way. We drove for many more hours and finally the candy wore off and we got incredibly hungry so we found a truck stop at around 11:30 p.m. and we had salads. The dressing came in these little pitchers, which I found amusing, so I took a picture:
You'd be amazed at what amuses you that late at night, especially after a sugar crash.
We then decided to call it a night and just finish the drive in the morning, so we blew up an air mattress in the back of Mim's van and put tons of pillows and blankets back there and we just drove over to a dark corner of the parking lot and went to sleep.
In the morning on Saturday we woke up, got more snacks ( I had a cherry pie for breakfast) and started driving again. We got into some really beautiful scenery as we started to get into more of the mountains:
We got to Sandpoint, and while we were driving around looking for a good bathroom where I could wash my hair, we came across Dub's, which is where Mim had her very first job when she was a teenager, so of course we had to stop and take a picture:
After that we drove around until we found a McDonald's because they always have really nice bathrooms with nice big sinks, and I washed my hair (I was a total slob, so this was a very good idea) and we changed into our cute family reunion clothes, and then we had a little snack and we were back on the road. We had to cross a mile-long bridge at one point that goes over a very deep glacial lake, and being over deep water scares me A LOT so I was kinda cringing, and then Mim made it worse by telling me about 20-foot sturgeon that live in the bottom of that lake and then I was all freaked out that the bridge was going to collapse, we would fall in the water and the giant fish would eat us and it would be a horrible death. We did make it safely across the bridge, but I couldn't stop thinking about scary giant fish, especially because she also told me about some divers over in Japan. Three divers went down into very very deep water (it was an exploratory dive) and only one of them made it back up, and he was so freaked out he wouldn't tell anyone what had happened except that there were giant Koi that deep and I assume they ate the other two and now I am afraid of fish. Awesome.
Moving on.
We got to Riley Creek and we had an awesome reception, since nobody knew we were coming and Mim hadn't been to one of these things for like 20 years and I had never been to one at all. It was very funny to hear Mim called "Cousin Barbi" because to me and everyone else I know she's just "Mim" and I forget that that's her name (and yes, she did date a guy named Ken once, but it was only one date). There was food, but nothing looked good so all I ate was a cookie, but I wasn't really hungry so that was ok. I sat around and talked to a lot of people I had never met, and some of them were ok but I am sad to say that most of them were very rude, very racist people. I don't understand how anyone can be racist in this day and age, and I'm embarrassed that it's my extended family, but I suppose that's just the way it is. Sad. But I didn't want to start any fights (and there have been fights in the past, actual fistfights) so I just kept my mouth shut until it was over and Mim and I got in the car and then we talked for a long time about how horrible it is that people still think like that.
After the food I swam in the lake. It was disgusting. I like pools. There's chlorine in pools, and you can see the bottom, and there are no creatures. Lakes have mud and plants and fish and slime and it was gross and gross and gross, but I got over it. My uncle Mike was kind enough to let me take a shower at his house after we all went back to Dub's to get ice cream (I had a hot fudge malt, my favorite ever), so I didn't have to be forever contaminated with nasty lake water.
At one point my cousin Mark congratulated me on my upcoming wedding and I was confused and said "I'm already married..." and apparently he had thought I was 17 and I was going to get married. And then later in the day I was teasing one of my little cousins and I said "Well I'm a grownup and you're not" and Mike was like, "You're not grown up, you just think you are" and I said "I'm pretty sure I am. I have a degree, I've been married for three years, I own a house and two cars, I have a professional full-time job..." at which point he said, "Wait, how old are you?" I told him 24 and he said that he had thought I was 16. So apparently, I have a baby face. I suppose someday I will appreciate this, but for now I want people to think I'm an adult, not a teenager.
The final festivities were finally over around midnight, when we left and started the drive back. We got as far as Cour D' Alene when we decided to sleep. We were so tired out that we slept very very well and when we woke up in the morning we went to the same diner we had gone to last time we made this trip and had breakfast, and then pie, because it's a tradition to have pie at a diner every time we make a trip. The cool thing was, we had the exact same waitress that we had last time.
The pie was delicious, and then we started driving again. There were lots of rest stops and munchies stops and we stopped to have dinner, but other than that we just drove and drove and drove. We were getting very close to my house when we hit ANOTHER TRAFFIC JAM. For crying out loud. Just when we're exhausted and totally ready to be home and almost there, we had to sit in traffic for another hour.
I did make it home, though, so I went straight to sleep and then got up bright and early Monday morning to go to work. I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep at my desk. I'm still recovering, but it was totally worth it because Mim and I had so much fun.
Something funny: we forgot the band saw.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Making Lunches
I may have mentioned at some point Scott's allergy to peanuts (among the many other things he's allergic to). When he was making me a lunch the other day, he made me a special paper towel and stashed it in my lunch bag so I would find it the next day:

I laughed out loud at work...he also labeled my sandwich bag:

Saturday, July 17, 2010
My New Profession
Mim: If I ever have to get a smaller bed, I'm having this bedspread cut down, and the excess made into more pillows! You have such good taste! This set is perfect!
Friday, July 16, 2010
America Rocks My Socks

But we ended up getting a few hours out of them all, even doing more than one at once.
Mim's bithday was on July 1, and we decided to add a little bit of birthday cheer to the festivities. I went to the store to get a cake, and they had some really cute ones, but they were all chocolate, and Mim doesn't eat chocolate, so we settled for a blank one and decorated it ourselves:
Obviously Mim did not turn 24, but we have this joke that we're twins separated by time (we're like the same person, I swear), so I'm 24, so she's 24. I think it was funny. Maybe you had to be there. Please note the frosting tower I made. It tasted excellent.
Here's a picture of all of us, sitting around with food and watching Ratatouille (LOVE that movie) and then Sahara. Also notice that Em's hair is very very blue and she has amazing shoes on.
Everyone got Nyah-holding time, including Jorg, who is NOT a baby person, so he felt really awkward holding her. But I did manage to get a picture of him holding her, and Scott holding Buster (he was not happy about this)( sometimes I wish he were a snuggly lap dog):
Anyway, after the movies Kwiddens and Isaac and Nyah had to go to Isaac's family's party, and at that point it was starting to get dark so we went outside and started the fireworking.
Jorg with a giant sparkler:
We found these really cool fireworks that you nail onto something and they spin around, so we nailed one to Scott's sawhorse (and totally burned it):
Em and Jorg lighting things on fire:
Anyway, we went until about 11:00 and then they all slept over because Mim wasn't feeling well and we didn't want her driving all the way back home.
Awesome party!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Blankie For Nyah
Here is a picture of the blanket:

This shot is a little closer so you can see the stitch definition:

I made it 3'x5', to fit a crib. It took 15 balls of yarn, at $4.50 per ball (silk/bamboo blend), so you can do the math. A little expensive, but totally worth it because this is my little baby niece and she deserves the best. I'm going to spoil her terribly, you know. I won't be able to help myself.
Making this blanket was fun and easy, until I got to the very end and had to weave in all the ends and then it was NOT fun but still easy, and since it wasn't fun I kept putting it off until I finished just in the nick of time the morning of Kwiddens's baby shower.
I loved and hated the yarn. From ball to ball the texture of the yarn changed, sometimes being very silky and smooth (it being made of silk and all) and sometimes being rather catchy, and when you have rough chemist hands, that makes it a little more difficult and/or unpleasant to work with.
All in all, it took me less than a month to finish all the crocheting and then two months to weave in the ends after that, due to the procrastination, which is in turn due to the fact that I hate weaving in ends.
Did I mention I hate weaving in ends?
Anyway, this blanket is heirloom quality, so it's safely stowed away until Nyah becomes less...leaky. I'm excited for her to eventually have some portraits with it! I am very proud of my work on this one.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tag, I'm It!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Out With The Old...
So since we have a new back door leading out onto this fabulous deck, Scott filled in the old back door. It was a smallish project-it only took about an hour. Here Scott is starting to rip up the old door:

He was very careful so he wouldn't damage the door. We want to reuse as much as possible while we're renovating, so whenever there is a piece of wood that is undamaged or the old window or this door, we save it for later. This door will later go between the garage and the concrete pad in the side yard (but that's a project far, far in the future).
Once he got the door out in one piece it was just a matter of framing:

And then filling it in with plywood:

So no hole!
We still need to put new siding over this spot, but this will be tricky, since we don't know if we can match the color of the siding exactly. We also still need to insulate, drywall, and paint, but just like the back door, we can't fill it all in until the inspector comes to take a look. As soon as we finish the railing on the deck we will be able to call and set up an appointment to meet with him.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Vroom, Vroom, and Police!: A Guest Post By Scott

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Back Door!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Idiot Box
This is the Idiot Box: