Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Sorry the picture is so small, but I had to share it, because my dog totally looks like Chewbacca.
I've been feeling un-bloggy lately, so that's all you get.


magnolia said...

awww. cute!

i feel your pain about the un-blogginess. after the nablopomo project in july, i've found it challenging to get up the gumption to talk about anything. i've also been feeling a little repetitive lately, like i'm writing about the same thing over and over again. i need to get out and do more, i think. shake up the ol' creative juices...

Fuzzy Nipple said...


Scott: No you can't get a hair cut!

Anna W said...

That's right, no more haircuts! He desperately needs to be brushed, though!

Kim said...

I'll take pics of the dog any day. (Not that I don't want to hear from you, because I do. But you know what I mean.)